
Install with:

$ pip install django-fakery


from django_fakery import factory
from myapp.models import MyModel


If you’re having issues with circular imports, you can also reference a model by using the M utility function:

from django_fakery import factory, M


If you really don’t want to import things, you could also just reference a model by using the <app_label>.<ModelName> syntax. This is not encouraged, as it will likely break type-hinting:

from django_fakery import factory


If you use pytest, you can use the fakery fixture (requires pytest and pytest-django):

import pytest
from myapp.models import MyModel

def test_mymodel(fakery):

If you’d rather, you can use a more wordy API:

from django_fakery import factory
from myapp.models import MyModel

        'field': 'value',

We will use the short API throught the documentation.

The value of a field can be any python object, a callable, or a lambda:

from django.utils import timezone
from django_fakery import factory
from myapp.models import MyModel


When using a lambda, it will receive two arguments: n is the iteration number, and f is an instance of faker:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

user = factory.m(User)(
    username=lambda n, f: 'user_{}'.format(n),

django-fakery includes some pre-built lambdas for common needs. See Shortcuts for more info.

You can create multiple objects by using the quantity parameter:

from django_fakery import factory
from myapp.models import MyModel

factory.m(MyModel, quantity=4)

For convenience, when the value of a field is a string, it will be interpolated with the iteration number:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

user = factory.m(User, quantity=4)(